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Examples and Uses of Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions.
Most chemical
reactions are exothermic.
Some examples are listed below.
1) The combustion of
methane (natural gas)
is highly
exothermic (it gives out a lot of heat).
2) Most neutralisation reactions are exothermic.
3) Adding concentrated sulfuric acid
to water is highly
4) Adding water to anhydrous copper(II) sulfate is exothermic.
Anhydrous is pronounced "an-high-drus", it
means "without water". Anhydrous copper(II)
is copper(II)
sulfate that is
completely dry.
Anhydrous copper(II)
sulfate is a white powder.
When water is added to
the white powder it turns into
the familiar hydrated
blue crystals.
Hydrated is pronounced
"high-dray-tid", it means
'with water'. This
colour change from white to blue
is used as a test for water.
If blue
copper(II) sulfate is heated,
an endothermic
occurs and the blue crystals
lose their water.
The crystals turn white and become
copper(II) sulfate crystals
again. The reaction is reversible.
Blue copper(II)
sulfate crystals will also turn
white in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid.
What are the Uses of Exothermic
The combustion of
methane is used for both
central heating in houses and to generate
Other exothermic
reactions can be
used to make hand warmers
and self-heating
Few chemical
reactions are endothermic.
Some examples are listed below.
1) Photosynthesis is endothermic.
Chlorophyll is a very clever catalyst
that allows plants to
make sugar from carbon dioxide in the air.
The energy needed for the reaction comes from sunlight.
2) Thermal decomposition is endothermic.
3) The neutralisation
reaction between
ethanoic acid and sodium carbonate is endothermic.
4) Dissolving some salts in water is
an endothermic process.
Potassium chloride and ammonium nitrate
both take in energy when they dissolve. If you put
a thermometer in the solution as they are dissolving,
you will see that the temperature
5) Melting, boiling and evaporation
are all endothermic processes (not chemical
What are the Uses of Endothermic
Endothermic reactions can be used for injury packs in sports.
Catalysts and Energy
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