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Electrostatic Shock.
If a high
amount of charge builds up on
an insulator,
it can escape across a small distance
through air
to a neutral or
oppositely charged
You may have noticed that pulling
off a jumper or
other clothing over your head can cause crackling.
If the clothing is made from a
synthetic fibre
(a plastic material which is a
good insulator)
then charge is
transferred as it rubs
your hair (which is also a
good insulator).
The crackling is the sound made by the charge jumping
through the air between the clothing and your hair.
How can a Car Door or a Radiator
give you a Shock?
Touching a car door or a radiator can sometimes give
you a shock. If both the car seat and your
clothing are
made from a synthetic fibre, then one rubs against the
other transferring
charge as you step out of the car.
The charge then jumps the small air
gap between your
finger and the
car as you go to close the car door.
Similarly, if both a carpet and your
shoes are made from
synthetic materials, then charge is transferred as you walk
around. Touching a radiator will cause the charge to
the small air gap between your
finger and the radiator.
The sensation of the charge on your skin feels unpleasant.
If your clothing, carpet,
shoes etc. are made from natural
then you are much less likely to get a shock.
Natural fibres such as wool and cotton
attract a small amount
of moisture
(water) to their surface
and this moisture allows
the material
to conduct a little so the charge escapes before
it can build
up enough to jump through
air. If the air itself
is moist, the charge will also escape and no shock
will occur.
How can Electrostatic Charge cause a Spark?
In the examples above, when charge jumps across a
air gap
it causes a spark which can be
Lightning is a natural example of a huge charge jumping
across a very large air
gap between the ground and
the sky, and we know how dangerous lightning can be.
Electrostatic Charge
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