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Damage to Living Cells from Internal Radiation.
What is Internal Radiation?
Radiation which has come from radioactive sources inside of
the body is called internal radiation. All three
types of radioactivity
are harmful
safety precautions must always be taken.
What is the Most Harmful Type
of Internal
Of the three types of radioactivity,
particles are the
most harmful form of
internal radiation.
Alpha particles can not
penetrate through body
tissue and so will be absorbed by the
cells which are near to the radioactive
source. This can cause
and lead to cancer of the internal
organs of
the body.
For example, granite rock contains radium-224 which decays
to form the gas radon-220.
is an alpha emitter and can
be present in some
which have been built on granite.
People who live in the buildings
can breath in radioactive
radon-220 which than continues to emit alpha particles
inside the lungs. This increases
the risk of getting lung
Both beta particles and
gamma rays will penetrate through all
body tissues and are less likely to cause
damage than alpha particles.
Beta particles are more
ionising than
gamma rays and
will cause
more damage
for the same exposure
and intensity. Gamma
are the least
harmful form of
internal radiation. Gamma emitters
with a
short half-life are the most suitable for use as medical
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