Moles and Calculations in Chemistry
Quiz -

1. A mole is defined as

a) An abbreviation for molecule

b) The amount of nitrogen in one litre of air

c) The amount of energy needed to
         heat 1g of platinum through 1°C

d) The number of atoms in 12g of carbon twelve


2. What is the mass of one mole of oxygen molecules?
       Oxygen is O2.  RAM of oxygen = 16.

a) 8g

b) 16g

c) 32g

d) 64g


3. What is the RFM of CaCO3? Ca = 40. C = 12. O = 16.

a) 68

b) 100

c) 124

d) 204


4. What is the mass of one mole of CaCO3?
       Ca = 40. C = 12. O = 16.

a) 68g

b) 100g

c) 124g

d) 132g


5. What is the percentage of nitrogen in NH4NO3?
       N = 14. H = 1. O = 16.

a) 17.5%

b) 29%

c) 35%

d) 58%


6. 33.6g of iron reacts with 14.4g of oxygen. What is the
     empirical formula of iron oxide?

a) FeO

b) Fe2O

c) FeO2

d) Fe2O3


7. A current of 10 Amps is passed for 5 hours through molten
      aluminium oxide. What mass of aluminium is deposited?

a) 0.622g

b) 1.865g

c) 16.79g

d) 27.0g


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