Alkalis - Quiz -

1. An alkali is any substance that produces

a) Strong burns

b) Metal ions in water

c) Hydroxide ions in water

d) A blue colour in water


2. An example of a strong alkali is

a) Ethanol

b) Propanol

c) Sodium chloride

d) Sodium hydroxide


3. A strong alkali is one which

a) Has a high concentration

b) Has a low concentration

c) Is completely ionised in water

d) Is only partly ionised in water


4. A weak alkali is one which

a) Has a high concentration

b) Has a low concentration

c) Is completely ionised in water

d) Is only partly ionised in water


5. An alkali will

a) Have a pH less than 7

b) Have a pH more than 7

c) Turn moist litmus paper red

d) Turn universal indicator orange


6. The alkali lime water is used to

a) Show the presence of carbon dioxide gas

b) Flavour drinks

c) Make perfume

d) React with sand to make glass


7. The alkali ammonia is used to

a) Make the Haber process

b) Make fertiliser

c) Flavour wine

d) React with sodium to make plastic


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