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The Universe - Life on Other Planets.
People have
wondered for a long time
about the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
"Extraterrestrial" means "beyond the Earth".
Scientists use
three approaches
to look for life on
other planets
(or moons).
The direct observation of life or fossils from
samples or pictures.
People have been to the moon and collected samples of rock
and dust
which have been brought back to
Earth for analysis.
Robots can land on planets and send
pictures back to the
This has been done on Mars and Europa (a moon of Jupiter).
Material from
space also arrives on the Earth
when meteorites land.
Some of these may contain fossils of
extraterrestrial life.
If you are not sure what a fossil
is, see the GCSE
Chemistry site.
Living organisms change the
chemical composition of a planet
(see how the evolution of life
has changed the Earth on the GCSE
Chemistry site).
Scientists using telescopes
can tell about the
composition of
other planets
by looking at the wavelengths of light which
from them.
A large amount of oxygen in the atmosphere of a planet
would indicate that life (photosynthesis) was present.
Scientists look at radio signals from space.
There is a project called SETI which stands for
the 'search for extraterrestrial intelligence' that looks for
signals within a narrow band of wavelengths.
SETI has been running for 50 years
but has not found signs of life on
other planets yet.
So far,
there is no hard
evidence that life exists
outside of the Earth
from any of the methods listed
In view of
the fact that there are a huge number of
stars and
and that many of these planets may be suitable for life,
it seems highly likely that some
of life
exist somewhere else in the
Given the
size and the age of the
Universe, it seems
unlikely that people on Earth will
ever contact other life forms.
Still, who
By the time
you are reading this the aliens might already
have landed!
The Solar System
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