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What are the Halogens?
The halogens are fluorine, chlorine,
bromine, iodine and astatine.
Astatine is radioactive
and is not studied at GCSE.
The halogens are in group 7 on the right of
the periodic
See the halogens for shortcuts
the pages of this section.
What is the Structure of the Halogens?
The halogens are all diatomic covalently bonded
Diatomic means that each molecule contains two atoms.
The formulae are F2, Cl2, Br2, I2, (see the structure of chlorine).
How do the Halogens React with
other Substances?
of the halogens
will either
1. gain one electron from a
metal to form an ionic bond
2. share one electron with a
non-metal to form a covalent bond.
For example, see hydrogen
chloride or the structure of chlorine.
The Halogens
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